Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Rick Leitch , Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Lena Williams Nolan Flowers, and Matthew Byerly (Secretary)
Board Members Absent:
Homeowners Present:
Robert Brown, Karen Whitfield and Gabriele Leitch
March Minutes:
A motion was made by the treasurer to accept the minutes as presented, motion was seconded by board member Lena. Motion Carried.
Financial Report:
Bank balance $31,380.72
CD $25,000.00
Total $66,380.72
Attorney Report:
On May 9th, Lien notices were sent to homeowners still owing their annual membership. The Shield’s were given notice of foreclosure by the judge. Utilities cost are at $4,300.00 for the first four months. With a budgeted amount of $10,000.00 for the year, they will be closely monitored throughout the remainder of the year. Supplies category may need more money, they too will be closely monitored to ensure the budgeted amounts can be maintained.
A motion was made by board member Rick to accept the financial report as presented, motion was seconded by the treasurer. Motion carried.
Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch
The pool deck painting was completed.
The basketball posts were painted.
Rick commented the neighborhood was looking good, maybe five violations currently. Certified letters were sent for overdue dues.
Rick mentioned that he received around six calls on using the pool from other parts of Shenandoah (not part of the homeowners association). It was suggested that maybe charging these families $150.00 to use the pool (covered in New Business section).
There are weed issues with the corner lot that the clubhouse sits on. Rick is going to pull the current mowing contract and look at it to see what can be done to eliminate these weeds. It was agreed to table the discussion until the next board meeting when the contract can be read.
Committee report:
January’s minutes were not posted on the website. Rick will send those to board member Nolan. National Night Out is being held by the city of College Station in October. Nationally, this being held in August. It was decided that the second Tuesday in August would be Souther Plantation Home Owners Association night out. A motion was made by the treasurer and was seconded by the vice-president. Motion carried. This event would be held in lieu of the monthly board meeting. The budget for this event was estimated to be $2,500.00 and Rick would be taking care of the food. There was talk about purchasing a grill for the clubhouse and renting it out along with the clubhouse rental. Rick was going to provide a cost estimate. The theme for the SPHOA night out will be decided at the next board meeting.
New Business:
The president made a motion to NOT allow outsiders to use the pool. Seconded by the vice-president. Motion carried.
Rick wanted to discuss the construction of a second swimming pool. Discussion was tabled.
Homeowners concerns:
Robert Brown (Home owner) asked about building a wash-of outside by the pool. Concerns were raised about kids playing with it.
Robert Brown asked about the property located at the corner of the entrance to Shenandoah (corner of Southern Plantation and feeder road). He wanted to know if we found out who it belonged to as a follow-up to last months meeting with the attorney.
The dogs on Fincastle were still creating problems. Rick was going to follow-up. Nolan inquired about fencing the lot where the clubhouse was located.
With no further business, motion was made by the president the the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by the vice-president. Motion carried.
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