Board Members Present:
Ben Kirby (President), Rick Leitch , Jessica Cessna (Treasurer) George Whitfield, Lena Williams Nolan Flowers, and Matthew Byerly
Board Members Absent:
Homeowners Present:
Robert Brown, Jim Suttle and Gabriele Leitch
March Minutes:
Jessica moved to accept the minutes with the change that Corey Stimmel be counted present through a teleconference. Second by George. All in favor
Financial Report:
Bank balance $57,657.00
CD $25,000.00
Total $82,657.
Rick moved to accept financial report Jessica seconded.
All were in favor.
Attorney Report:
Jeff Burns gave a report on where the boundaries of our H.O.A. is and thought that it would not be advisable at this point to try to bring in other phases t0 the H.O.A. He provided a detailed map and rick is to get it enlarged and laminated.
It was discovered that the management certificate was out of date.
Jessica made motion to have Jeff prepare new management certificate. Seconded by Rick. All in favor
Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch
Big event was a success with 9 students helping to paint the canopy and 2 gables. Rick will work on the rest in the next few months
Rick asked to change pool hours to close at 10:00 pm to be able to brush pool and add chemicals when needed. He also asked to change office hours to be closed Friday. This way he can spend more hours monitoring the pool on Weekends when it’s busy. Ok’d unanimously by board.
Friendship outreach asked if they could keep a bus for 2 handicapped kids in their drive. Discussed by the board and was denied unanimously.
Clearwater finished pool as they agreed.
Code violations going well Lena & Rick have to be persistent
National night out is in October this year. Board decided to discuss what we want to do at next board meeting.
Gentleman wanted to know if he got materials donated if we would put baseball backstop up. I assured him we would.
Committee report:
Social committee: The garden club handed out it’s first Yard of the Month. The sign was donated by Tom Hughes. He also procured a $25.00 per month donation from Heirloom Gardens. THANKS TOM!
Old Business:
Restroom and pool upgrades are complete
Garage Sale had 30-40 homes. Very successful
New Business:
Nominations of Officers to the Board of Directors
George Whitfield – nominated by Rick
Vice President-Ben Kirby- nominated by Rick
Treasurer- Jessica Cessna- nominated by Ben
Secretary- Matthew Byerly – nominated by Rick
All positions accepted by nominees
Carried unanimously by board
Homeowners concerns:
Jessica made a motion to adjourn Ben seconded.
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