Board Members Present:

Ben Kirby (President), Rick Leitch  and Jessica Cessna ( Treasurer)

Board Members Absent:

Nolan Flowers, George Whitfield, Corey Stimmel and Lena Williams

Homeowners Present:

Matthew Byerly, Robert Brown, and Gabriele Leitch

First Order Of Business:

Ben Kirby phoned Corey Stimmel (ill) to get a quorum to certify the election. He called meeting to order at 7:20

The votes were tallied and the results were as follows Rick Leitch & Lena Williams 16 votes, George Whitfield 14 votes, Matthew Byerly 13 votes Ben Kirby & Nolan Flowers 10 votes, Jessica Cessna 9 votes and Corey Stimmel 3 votes for a total of 91 votes from 13 ballots. Ben made a motion to certify the election count. Seconded by Jessica. That gave a quorum for the rest of the meeting with Matthew Byerly becoming the fourth board member present. Corey was thanked for her service and got off the speaker phone to get some rest.

Ben made a motion to adopt the February minutes. Seconded by Matthew.

Financial Report:

Bank balance $56,620.00
CD                $25,000.00
Total            $81,620.

Rick moved to accept financial report Jessica seconded.

All were in favor.

Director of Operations Report:

Rick Leitch

The tennis backboard will be finished 3-12 or 13th after painting

Rick stated restroom remodel is 90% done, with the remainder to be complete by March 21st.

Rick will work on getting the canopy primered to be ready for painting during the Big Event March 29th. He stated that we will need ladders if you have one

Committee report:

Social committee: Gabriele Leitch is trying to start a garden club. They have had 2 meetings and wondered if the board would sponsor a yard of the month sign and if they could plant a garden at the clubhouse. Jessica mentioned that we should have an irrigation system first. Ben stated that the board would pay for a sign but we needed a proposal for the garden with an irrigation system

Old Business:

Bids on bringing clubhouse pool to State code were presented with Clearwater Pool being the lowest at $4268 then Mobley at $4782. Barry was $5734. Jessica mentioned that Clearwater Pools was very unreliable and it may be better to go with Mobley. Rick agreed stating that he has been having trouble getting pool supplies in a timely manner. Ben made a motion to Accept the Mobley bid if Rick can negotiate a lower bid from them if we buy our supplies from them. Second by Jessica . Carried unanimously.

New Business:

Nominations of Officers to the Board of Directors was postponed until April meeting when more board members could be here.

Homeowners concerns:


Jessica made a motion to adjourn Ben seconded.


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