Board Members Present:
Ben Kirby (President), Corey Stimmel (Secretary), George Whitfield , and Lena Williams
Board Members Absent:
Jessica Cessna (Treasurer) and Nolan Flowers
Homeowners Present:
Rick Leitch (Operations Manager), Karen Whitfield, Matthew Byerly, Robert Brown, Richard Babinski, and Gabriele Leitch
First Order Of Business:
Leitch called meeting to order at 7:00
Williams made a motion to accept the minutes.
R. Leitch seconded.
Financial Report:
Bank balance $55,783.00
CD $25,000.00
Total $80,783.66.
Williams moved to accept financial report Stimmel seconded.
All were in favor.
Office Manager Report:
Rick Leitch
Leitch stated restroom remodel is 60-70% done, with the schedule to be done March 1st.
Welcome to the neighborhood letter was made.
Leitch has been pressure washing around the pool area.
Committee report:
Social committee:
Gabriele Leitch is trying to start a garden club. Meeting will be this Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the clubhouse.
Old Business:
Rental Enforcement was tabled so the board can address it as a project over the next year.
Restroom remodel scheduled to be done March 1st.
New Business:
Bid on bringing clubhouse pool to State code. Brannon is going to give a itemized list. Kirby made a motion for the board to make a list of specifications. No ladder in deep end ,but will add a handrail on the steps. 1 sand filter with both backwash valves, and sand.
Kirby made a motion to accept specifications. Williams seconded.
Wildlife will have to agree by the clubhouse rules in order to hold their meetings here.
Adopting of Bylaws of SPHOA February 12, 2008 tabled until attorney looks at them.
Projects to work on 1st tennis backboard, 2nd paint exterior , and 3rd a shade pergola . Leitch is going to check with Big Event for help.
Nominations for SPHOA Board are Ben Kirby, Jessica Cessna , George Whitfield, Lena Williams, Nolan Flowers,Corey Stimmel, Robert Brown, and Matthew Byerly.
Homeowners concerns:
Matthew Byerly was charged $50.00 fee for refinancing his home. .Whitfield made a motion to refund him a check since he has already been living in SPHOA . Leitch seconded . All in favor as long as homeowner is current on all dues.
Richard Babinski was wondering why the city would not black top our streets.
Kirby made a motion to adjourn Williams seconded.
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