Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, and Rick Leitch.
Board Members Absent:
Nolan Flowers
Homeowners Present:
Gabriele Leitch
January Minutes:
A motion was made by Rick to accept the minutes as presented, motion seconded by Lena, motion carried.
Financial Report:
Jessica Cessna
Bank Balance: $15,630.47
The two largest accounts receivables, Chuck Murray and Danny Schill, both made payments on their respective balances. Those homeowners owing more than $200 on April 1 will have liens filed against them. Jessica asked the board to consider switching banks after the current year’s board elections. A motion was made by Ben to accept the financial report as presented, motion was seconded by Rick, motion carried.
Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch
A quote for the concrete slab that the shed will set on was given to Rick by Aggieland Concrete. The cost would be $250 plus tax for two yards of concrete. The pool upgrade will cost $4,200 for the tile work, drain cover and cost to refill the pool. The work will be done by Clearwater. GKG is ready to go with the association’s website. They are waiting on information from Nolan. A motion was made by Ben to accept the Director of Operations Report, motion was seconded by Jessica, motion carried.
Committee Report:
Enforcement: Everything is in good shape so far in 2009.
Webpage: GKG is the host of the SPHOA website, SPHOA owns the domain.
Social: Not applicable
Old Business:
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
Jessica asked the board for their thoughts on accepting credit cards in the future. She went on to add that a new office computer will be needed in the very near future.
Gabrielle Leitch informed the board that the Garden Club plans on doing something for the clubhouse this year.
Homeowner Concerns:
There was no homeowner concerns presented.
With no further business, motion was made by Jessica that the meeting be adjourned, motion was seconded by Ben, motion carried.
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