Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, Gabrielle Leitch, and Rick Leitch.
Board Members Absent:
Ben Kirby (Vice-President)
Homeowners Present:
April Minutes:
A motion was made by Gabrielle to accept the minutes as presented, motion was seconded by Jessica, motion carried.
Financial Report:
Jessica Cessna
Brazos Valley Bank:
Operating Account: $12,000.00
Money Market: $41,000.00
Total: $53,000.00
Prosperity Bank: $11,676.04
Total: $64,676.04
The balance in accounts receivable is $31,377.30.
After having already sent two notices of delinquency, lien notifications will be sent out by the end of April for homeowners owing more than $200.00
A motion was made by George to accept the financial report as presented, motion was seconded by Rick, motion carried.
Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch
Three new security cameras were installed around the clubhouse giving the association a total of seven security cameras.
The gate to the pool is not shutting correctly. There appears to be a problem with the latch securing properly. Rick will call Bryan Iron Works about getting the gate fixed.
A few homeowners inquired about the association setting up a volleyball net at the clubhouse. Rick will check with the association’s insurance provider.
An individual met with Rick to inquire about putting a soda vending machine in the pool area. For allowing him to do so, the association would earn $25 a month in rental income. The board approved this pending a signed contract.
Rick is going to include in the newsletter being sent out information about the neighborhood block party being held on August 12th. This year, the association is inviting homeowners who own/run a local business to set-up an information table/booth. They will need to come in and register with Rick at the clubhouse.
Rick submitted the paperwork to the City of College Station for the neighborhood grant. The theme has yet to be decided, but the plans include getting a bounce-a-lot for the children. In addition, the city police and fire departments would be invited to participate.
The garage sale was a success, but not as many homeowners participated in 2009 as 2008.
Committee Report:
Code Enforcement: Covered in Director of Operations report.
Webpage: A little more expensive than originally budgeted.
Social: Covered in Director of Operations report.
Old Business:
The purchase of a new office computer has been put on hold. Rick will continue to monitor sales ads for a good buy.
New Business:
No new business was discussed.
Homeowner Concerns:
None presented.
With no further business, motion was made by Rick that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by George. Motion carried.
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