Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, and Rick Leitch.

Board Members Absent:
Not applicable

Homeowners Present:
Tom Hughes

February Minutes:
A motion was made by George to accept the minutes with changes noted, motion seconded by Jessica, motion carried.

Financial Report:
Jessica Cessna
Bank Balance:            $62,000.00
Account Receivable:     $39,000.00
Jessica mentioned that accounts receivable was in good shape and that anybody owing more than $260 at March 31st would have a lien placed on their home.
As far as expenses are concerned, the biggest spending months are fast approaching, but that the association was fine.
A motion was made by Ben to accept the financial report, motion was seconded by Rick, motion carried.

Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch
Rick asked who should be on the signature cards for the association’s new account at Brazos Valley Bank. It was decided that all of the officers should be on the signature card.

Rick asked the association to consider a money market account instead of a certificate of deposit. Currently, the money market accounts were paying a higher rate of interest. A motion was made by Ben to use the money market account, motion was seconded by George, motion carried.

Rick is currently collecting three bids for the new computer in the office. He also checked with the City of College Station about the need for a permit for the electric sign to be put in front of the clubhouse. The city informed him that we cannot have an electric sign in a residential setting.

There are currently eighty homeowners delinquent on paying their homeowner dues. There were five carryovers from 2008, not including the homes with liens on them. He will send out a friendly reminder April 1st.

Rick attended the City of College Station meeting to learn more about the neighborhood support program. They have $12,000 available for this program. The maximum contribution that they can make to any one program is $500.

A motion was made by Jessica to accept the Director of Operations report, motion was seconded by Lena, motion carried.

Committee Report:
Enforcement: Rick was going to be reviewing the homes for lawns that need to be mowed.
Webpage: The webpage is in good shape, no problems.
Social: Garage sale is set for April 4, 2009.

Old Business:
The office computer was already covered in the Director of Operations report.

New Business:
It was decided by all present to keep the SPHOA officers the same for 2009.

Homeowner Concerns:
There was no homeowner concerns presented.

With no further business, motion was made by Jessica that the meeting be adjourned, motion was seconded by Ben, motion carried.


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