Board Members Present:

Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams and Rick Leitch.

Board Members Absent:

George Whitfield (President), Nolan Flowers

Homeowners Present:

Gabriele Leitch, Robert Brown

September Minutes:

A motion was made by Jessica to accept the minutes as presented, motion was seconded by Lena, motion carried.

Financial Report:

Jessica Cessna

Bank Balance: $28,738.16

The last certificate of deposit ($15,000) was cashed in the beginning of October. This should cover the remaining expenses for the year for the association.

The association’s attorney sent a letter to three homeowners notifying them that they have until October 26th to come current or the association will proceed with foreclosure.

A motion was made by Lena to accept the financial report as presented, motion was seconded by Rick, motion carried.

Director of Operations Report:

Rick Leitch

The pool is being cleaned every two days now. Rick is working on average 35-36 hours per week, down from the summer months.

The budget for 2009 is ready to be reviewed. Rick wanted to know where we were on the lawn care issue, whether we would bring it in-house or continue to have it contracted out. He wanted to let the current lawn care provider know of our intentions.

Code enforcement is going very well, there are a few minor infractions.

Rick is continuing to work on a new sign for out in front of the clubhouse.

A motion was made by Ben to accept the Director of Operations Report, motion was seconded by Matt, motion carried.

Committee Report:

Enforcement: Covered in Director of Operations report.
Webpage: GKG would charge $125 an hour to update the website. It is their best estimate that it would take no more than an hour a month to performance maintenance on the webpage.
Social: The association will continue to recognize the 2nd week in August as its National Night Out choice.

Old Business:

The decision to bring the mowing in-house or not is discussed in the new business section.

New Business: The 2009 Budget was discussed. The big issue was whether to bring the mowing in-house or continue to contract it out. Rick provided a detailed estimate on what it will cost to purchase the necessary equipment. It is believed that the association will save $5,000 in year one alone by bringing the mowing in-house.

There were a few items that needed to be changed in the 2009 budget, this will be done for the November meeting.

A motion was made by Matt to bring the mowing in-house and accept the proposed budget revisions, motion was seconded by Jessica. Motion carried.

The 2009 budget was approved with the proposed revisions.

Homeowner Concerns:

There was no homeowner concerns presented.

With no further business, motion was made by Jessica that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Rick. Motion carried.


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