Board Members Present:

George Whitfield (President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, Nolan Flowers and Rick Leitch.

Board Members Absent:

Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Nolan Flowers

Homeowners Present:

Mary Smith, Glena Hajjali

June Minutes:

A motion was made by Rick to accept the July minutes as presented, motion was seconded by Lena, motion carried.

Financial Report:

Jessica Cessna

Bank Balance: $12,623.52
Certificates of Deposit: $15,000.00
Total: $27,623.52

It was reported that the certificate of deposit in the amount of $10,000 was cashed in during August. The balance in accounts receivable is $18,412.39, of which $9,200 was tied to three properties. There are over fourteen properties owing $300 or more. We are doing okay as far as expenses for the year. A motion was made by Lena to accept the financial report as presented, motion was seconded by George, motion carried.

Director of Operations Report:

Rick Leitch
There were 200 people that attended the Neighborhood Night Out put on by the SPHOA. The disc jockey was well received and recommended that he be used for next year’s outing. Overall, the evening was considered a great success. The board presented Rick and Gabriele Leitch a gift for their effort in putting the evening together.

Rick has become a public notary and can notarize liens. It was decided that this service would be offered to Southern Plantation homeowners as a complimentary service. The fall newsletter will be going out next week to all homeowners. The October board meeting will be the proposed budget meeting for SPHOA.

It was proposed that the association would bring the lawn care service in-house. To do this, the association would need to purchase lawn mowing equipment (mower, weed-eater, edger, blower, etc.) and a storage facility to house the equipment. Rick estimated that it would cost roughly $7,000-$8,000 to purchase the necessary equipment. Rick will provide a detailed estimate at the October board meeting. The talk was tabled until then.

Jessica made the motion to keep the Director of Operations with a minimum of a 3% increase in salary. Matt seconded the motion, motion carried. Current Director of Operations, Rick Leitch, abstained from the vote.

The pool is not as busy now with school back in session.

Rick will be taking off from work Sunday, September 28th through October 5th. In his absence, Lena will be checking the answering machine and the trash. Jessica will be checking the emails.

The garden club would like to take care of the flowerbed at the entrance of Southern Plantation on the corner of Southern Plantation and Highway 6.

A motion was made to accept the Director of Operations Report, motion was seconded by Matt, motion carried.

Committee Report:

Enforcement: Everything is going well, one trailer infraction right now. Mary Smith commended the board on the neighborhood being kept up.
Webpage: The board will consider off-site maintenance for webpage maintenance next year.
Social: Already covered in the Director of Operations Report.

Old Business:

It was decided that we would keep the clubhouse rental rules as is, but Rick will continue to monitor and report back to the board if changes are necessary.

New Business:

The October board meeting will be for the yearly budget preparation. Things to be considered during the meeting are as follows:

  • Special Projects: additional video cameras, pergola
  • One homeowner’s dues will be given away for 2009 (raffle drawing)
  • Sprinkler system
  • Landscaping for the gardening club
  • Separate air conditioner units for the main office and clubhouse party room
  • Pool upgrades (supplies, filter replacing, draining pool and putting 5′ line marker in)
  • Expenses to increase 5% across the board

Homeowner Concerns:

There was no homeowner concerns presented.

Mary Smith has a neighbor with a crooked garage door. She wanted to know if there was anything the board could do, Rick was going to check into it.

With no further business, motion was made by George that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Jessica. Motion carried.


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