Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, Gabriele Leitch and Rick Leitch
Board Members Absent:
Not applicable
Homeowners Present:
Robert Brown, Glena Hajjali
July Minutes:
A motion was made by Jessica to accept the minutes, motion seconded by Gabriele, motion carried.
Financial Report:
Jessica Cessna
Bank Balance: $36,800.00
Accounts Receivable: $19,000.00
Jessica mentioned that accounts receivable was continuing to decline.
The budget for 2010 will be established at the October board meeting.
A motion was made by Gabrielle to accept the financial report, motion was seconded by Rick, motion carried.
Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch
Rick informed the board that the association’s insurance provider said “no” to hosting yoga classes at the clubhouse.
There was a small fire in pump house due to a cigarette butt thrown in the flower bed. An alert homeowner immediately acted quickly to put the fire out and contacted Rick.
The block party held in August was successful, except for the children’s parade. Instead of having the children’s parade in 2010, Rick wanted the board to come up with an alternative for the children.
The tennis court net needs to be replaced. Rick anticipates replacing it in late September.
Rick wanted to know if there were any items that needed to be included at next month’s board meeting when the 2010 budget will be established. Currently, we are looking at putting in an irrigation system, resurfacing the basketball/tennis courts, and building a deck around the swimming pool.
A motion was made by Jessica to accept the Director of Operations report, motion was seconded by Lena, motion carried.
Committee Report:
Enforcement: The neighborhood is in pretty good shape, although the issue of roomers was brought to the board’s attention. A motion was made by Jessica to pursue the issue of roomers within the association’s neighborhood, motion was seconded by Ben, motion carried.
Webpage: The webpage is in good shape, no problems.
Social: No news to report.
Old Business:
None applicable.
New Business:
Ben made a motion after the prior meeting with the City of College Station Barron Rd. project managers that states
Southern Plantation HOA will give official notification to the City of College Station, the current or future Board of Directors, or any of the current or future association members, does not accept ANY responsibility or liability of the current location of the Shenandoah sign as it relates to the sight distance at the southwest corner of Decatur Drive and Barron Road due to the widening project of Barron Road. The sight distance appears NOT to have been calculated correctly. The ability to view traffic traveling from west to east on Barron Road while at the corner stop sign of Decatur Drive and Barron Road traveling north on Decatur Drive, is hazardous. The Board of Directors believes strongly the City of College Station should take full responsibility for sight distance calculation, thus placing citizens using Decatur Drive and Barron Road in danger due to the limited sight distance, the Shenandoah Neighborhood was built many years before the widening of Barron Road and the sign was erected with the approval of the City of College Station, and the current location should have been taken into consideration during the planning of the Barron Road widening project. The City of College Station is to relocate the Shenandoah sign, at the city’s expense, due to the limited sight distance on the southwest corner of Decatur Drive and Barron Road for safety purposes, and if the City of College Station refuses, the Southern Plantation HOA will not be held responsible or liable for any accidents or negative incidences which may occur due to their negligence of the calculation of the sight distance and with the city’s failure to relocate said sign.
Seconded by Jessica. Passed unanimously
Homeowner Concerns:
Homeowner, Robert Brown, brought to the board the issue of dry tree limbs. He asked the board to consider doing something about them because they were becoming an issue. Rick will send out letters to the homeowners.
With no further business, motion was made by Jessica that the meeting be adjourned, motion was seconded by Gabrielle, motion carried.
Before the September board meeting, the City of College Station spoke to the Southern Plantation Homeowners concerning the Barron Road Widening Project (Phase One). Chuck Gilman from the city informed the SPHOA that they were roughly four to six weeks from completion. He informed the board that the speed limit for Barron Road will be forty-five miles per hour. The City of College Station will start the landscaping portion of this project in the fall of 2009. In addition, Chuck told the association that the city will not be removing the Shenandoah sign at the entrance of Barron and Decatur because it did not fall in the sight line. He stated that he would look into the city helping share the cost of a new sign. They would also remove the bushes blocking the view in front of the sign. Permission was given by the board for them to remove said bushes.
Phase Two of the Barron Road Widening Project will not start until the City of College Station resolves issues with BTU. They anticipate having these issues resolved by Spring 2010 and construction starting then. The new high school will open August 2012, therefore, they need to have phase two completed at this time.
Also in attendance with Chuck Gilman were the following individuals:
- Michael Martin – Jacobs Engineering
- Peter Vanecek – City of College Station Parks
- Edward McDonald – City of College Station Capital Projects
On September 29, 2009, the Southern Plantation Homeowner’s Association sent a letter to Chuck Gilman informing him that the Association passed a unanimous resolution during the September 8, 2009 meeting, the resolution states:
Southern Plantation HOA will give official notification to the City of College Station, the current or future Board of Directors, or any of the current or future association members, does not accept ANY responsibility or liability of the current location of the Shenandoah sign as it relates to the sight distance at the southwest corner of Decatur Drive and Barron Road due to the widening project of Barron Road. The sight distance appears NOT to have been calculated correctly. The ability to view traffic traveling from west to east on Barron Road while at the corner stop sign of Decatur Drive and Barron Road traveling north on Decatur Drive, is hazardous. The Board of Directors believes strongly the City of College Station should take full responsibility for sight distance calculation, thus placing citizens using Decatur Drive and Barron Road in danger due to the limited sight distance, the Shenandoah Neighborhood was built many years before the widening of Barron Road and the sign was erected with the approval of the City of College Station, and the current location should have been taken into consideration during the planning of the Barron Road widening project. The City of College Station is to relocate the Shenandoah sign, at the city’s expense, due to the limited sight distance on the southwest corner of Decatur Drive and Barron Road for safety purposes, and if the City of College Station refuses, the Southern Plantation HOA will not be held responsible or liable for any accidents or negative incidences which may occur due to their negligence of the calculation of the sight distance and with the city’s failure to relocate said sign.
All correspondence between SPHOA and the City of College Station are included.
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