Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, Gabrielle Leitch, and Rick Leitch.

Board Members Absent:
Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer)

Homeowners Present:
Allan Hutchinson, Jaynell Hutchinson, Tom Hughes and Scott Richter

April Minutes:
A motion was made by Rick to accept the minutes as presented, motion was seconded by Lena, motion carried.

Financial Report:
Rick Leitch for Jessica Cessna
Brazos Valley Bank:
Operating Account:   $8,039.76
Money Market:           $41,047.48
Total:                         $49,087.24

Prosperity Bank:          $6,834.90

Total:                          $55,922.14

The balance in accounts receivable is $20,773.56.

The insurance bill is coming due, the bill will be $4,700 this year, less than the $7,300 budgeted for it in 2009.

A motion was made by Matt to accept the financial report as presented, motion was seconded by George, motion carried.

Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch

The volleyball net has been set-up for homeowners to use.

Homeowners owing more than $500 received their letters of foreclosure. There were nine letters sent out, since then, one has paid in full and one has made payment.

Rick has applied for the necessary permits for the SPHOA block party to be held on August 11th. All other arrangements have been made for the evening.

A homeowner sent Rick an email inquiring about hosting adult yoga classes at the clubhouse. The discussion was tabled until a future board meeting.

Rick needed to replace the electrical box for the pool pump. The current box was completely fried, it cost $1,000 to replace. The repairs were already made.

Committee Report:
Enforcement: Everything is in good shape.
Webpage: The service provider continues to do perform well.
Social: The annual SPHOA Block Party would be held August 11th.

Old Business:
None Presented

New Business:
None Presented

Homeowner Concerns:
Allan and Jaynell Hutchinson wanted to visit with the board concerning their tournament fishing boat located at 1409 Salem Court. They brought with them neighbors, Tom Hughes and Scott Richter to serve as witnesses. It was determined that they could continue to bring the boat to the home for necessary repairs and cleaning, but the boat could not stay for more than 48 hours.

With no further business, motion was made by George that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Rick. Motion carried.


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