Board Members
Present: Ben Kirby (President), Corey Stmmel (Secretary), Lena Williams, Nolan Flowers, Rick Leitch
Absent: Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), George Whitfield
Homeowners present: Gabriele Leitch,
First Order of Business:
Ben called meeting to order at 7:02
Rick motioned to approve minutes for October and Ben seconded with an amendment that Jessica’s position be defined as Office Manager- Bookkeeper.
Financial report: As Jessica was absent Ben read the Financial report
– Bank statement: $33,353 including CD’s
$7,633.00 outstanding dues
Ben motioned to approve financial report Nolan seconded
Committee Report:
Lena wants to work on derelict fences on Barron Rd. Lena will continue to help on code enforcement. She and Rick will work out a system.
Gabriele has set April for the Community Garage Sale with a specific date forthcoming.
New Business:
Rick asked if the board wants to enforce the rental covenant. It was decided to discuss the matter at the next meeting.
The new Director of Operations was given a spending limit of $200.00 before he needs board approval.
It was brought up that the Director of Operations job duties and the Office Manager-Bookkeeper duties seem to overlap. It was decided to discuss these items when Jessica was available at the January meeting.
The restroom bid revision that allowed Rick to perform some of the labor at a reduced price of $3186.00 was discussed. A motion to approve the final bid of $21,537.00 was made by Nolan with a stipulation that the bid be complete by March 1, 2008. Seconded by Ben. Approved
Nolan stated that he would keep up the web page. Rick said that he would provide Nolan with update info once he gets in the office full time.
Nolan stated that he would work on the office computer over the Christmas break.
Motion to adjourn by Nolan. Second by Rick
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