Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Matthew Byerly (Secretary), Lena Williams, Gabriele Leitch and Rick Leitch

Board Members Absent:
Ben Kirby (Vice-President), Jessica Cessna (Treasurer)

Homeowners Present:
None Present

September Minutes:
A motion was made by Rick to accept the minutes, motion seconded by George, motion carried.

Financial Report:
Rick Leitch for Jessica Cessna
Bank Balance:   $6,780.39
Accounts Receivable: $26,240.07
Total Bank Balance:  $33,020.46

Accounts Receivable:  $19,186.12

Rick mentioned that accounts receivable was continuing to decline.

A motion was made by Lena to accept the financial report, motion was seconded by Matt, motion carried.

Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch

Rick purchased the metal needed to repair the pump house as a result of the fire in August. The exterior of the pump house will be repaired in October.

Rick and Lena will be going through the Association’s covenants and amendments to identify changes that need to be made.

A motion was made by George to accept the Director of Operations report, motion was seconded by Matt, motion carried.

Committee Report:
Enforcement: There are a few homes with trailers and long grass. Rick is working on getting these resolved.
Webpage: The webpage is in good shape, no problems.
Social: Garden Club will be having their annual potluck dinner this weekend.

Old Business:
None applicable.

New Business:
The SPHOA annual budget for 2010 was approved by the board during the September meeting. The issue of raises for Association personnel was tabled until the November board meeting.

Homeowner Concerns:
None presented

With no further business, motion was made by George that the meeting be adjourned, motion was seconded by Matt, motion carried.


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