Southern Plantation Home Owners Association (SPHOA) Board Meeting is called to order by Patrick Kimes (Vice President) at 7:07 P.M. Patrick introduced all board members (providing names and positions), as well as Jessica Guidry, SPHOA Office Assistant, to homeowners present at the meeting.

Board Members Present: Steve Ginn (President), Patrick Kimes (Vice-President), Matthew Byerly (Treasurer), John Byrd (Secretary), and Lena Williams.

Board Members Absent: N/A

Homeowners Present:
Blount, Cody
Byerly, Matthew
Byrd, John
Ginn, Steve
Kimes, Patrick
Shaw, Debra
Smith, Mary
Suzulu, Julie
White, Helen
Williams, Lena

October Minutes: A review of the October minutes was conducted by the board members and homeowners. Patrick Kimes made a motion to accept the October minutes. The motion was seconded by Steve Ginn. Motion carried.

Financial Report: Matthew Byerly led a review of the monthly financials. He informed the board that this year’s National Night Out event came-in $1,500.00 under the proposed budget, due to the generous donations provided by a number of different vendors. In addition, he informed the board members that, due to the high level of expenditures during the month of October, $5,000.00 was transferred from the money-market account into the operating account. Furthermore, Matthew communicated that year-end budget projections are indicating a positive balance of $25,000.00 (an increase of $7,000.00 from the previous year). Matthew informed the committee that he is currently working on a formal, in-place, preliminary budget for review during the December board meeting. He also informed those present that a total of 50 extra, complimentary copies, of the 2008-2009 audit, are available for homeowners to pick-up from the SPHOA offices. Homeowners are encouraged to review the audit information packet, and are invited to contact Matthew Byerly, Laurel Mulvey, or the SPHOA office if they have any questions.

A homeowner posed questions regarding the continued expenditures relating to lawn and pool care, even though fall and winter services were infrequent compared to services provided during the spring and summer months. Board members explained that both the lawn and pool service contracts were negotiated at flat, monthly rates, in order to avoid monthly financial fluctuations. John Byrd made a motion to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by Patrick Kimes. Motion carried.

Committee Report:

Code Enforcement: Jeff Burns (SPHOA’s attorney) was contacted about recent neighbor complaints, stemming from a rental home on Richland Court. In response to the board’s inquirer, Jeff reviewed the SPHOA By-Laws, as well as local city ordinances, and drafted a letter to the board about his findings, as well as his proposed suggestions to resolve the situation. Since the previous meeting, board members, Steve Ginn and Patrick Kimes, visited with the renters, as well as communicated with the homeowners, about the neighbor concerns; however, problems including noise, limited parking, late-night parties, and ease of access to neighbor residences continued to arise. Homeowner, Debra Shaw, was present at the meeting to share some of her concerns and questions with the board. During the discussion, the board agreed that Mrs. Shaw’s concerns were legitimate, and informed her that the board would do all that it could to enforce the SPHOA By-Laws and restrictions, and provide the neighbors of Richland Court with the best neighborhood environment possible.

As a result of the discussion, board members proposed an informal meeting, between a few board members, concerned neighbors, and the renters and homeowners of the residence on Richland Court. Steve Ginn volunteered to draft a letter to the homeowners and renters outlining the proposed meeting as well as the neighbor concerns.

In addition to the issues surrounding the residence on Richland Court, some board members discussed concerns regarding the types of trailers that are allowed to park along the roads within the subdivision. At this time, the types of trailers that are forbidden to park within the subdivision include motor homes, travel trailers, semi-tractor trailers, and mobile homes. All other trailers are allowed to legally park within the subdivision, according to the SPHOA By-Laws; however, the City of College Station reserves the right to send trailer owners’ code violation notices, if the trailers are parked on the city streets within the subdivision. Lena Williams informed the committee that she has recently been in contact with the Code Enforcement Office, and that their representatives would like the SPHOA to enforce and resolve all code enforcement matters, without involving the Code Enforcement Office. The By-Laws, outlining SPHOA restrictions, will be sent to all homeowners for review, feedback, and suggested changes in 2012.

Social: John Byrd announced that the Welcoming Committee would create and draft a, “Thank You” letter, to send to vendors and businesses who donated to the National Night Out event, on October 5, 2010. A finalized letter will be completed and delivered to the SPHOA office before the December board meeting, in time to mail-out before the upcoming holiday. In addition, Jessica Guidry announced that she is compiling an up-to-date email listing of SPHOA homeowners, in an attempt to keep all residents abreast of important SPHOA issues. Once again, the board members discussed the possibility of sponsoring more SPHOA community events, in addition to the National Night Out event. Homeowners suggested sponsoring events like an, “Easter-Egg Hunt,” as well as reestablishing an annual SPHOA plant sale.

Old Business:

Planning Committee: Matthew Byerly informed the members of the board that the Planning Committee completed its first meeting, prior to the November board meeting. He indicated that a total of 8 individuals attended the meeting to discuss maintenance, repair, and short and long-term goals, ideas and issues, relating to the SPHOA. Furthermore, Matthew explained that a prioritized list of the ideas would be created and prepared for the next meeting. During the meeting, Cody Blount made a presentation to the committee members, regarding a pool-expansion project. The committee is expected to formally meet again in approximately two weeks.

Fall Newsletter: The board members discussed sending the upcoming newsletter with the annual dues statement.

Credit Card: Matthew Byerly informed the board members that he recently discussed the topic of credit card issuance with Brazos Valley Bank. Although the bank cannot issue one, general, business credit card to the board, they can issue specific cards to legally signing board members.

New Business:

SPHOA Office Updates: Jessica Guidry provided a number of updates to the board members, including providing the status of reorganizing the filing system in the office; past and current clubhouse rental statistics; a list of office supplies that are needed to continue business operations during the upcoming month; maintenance items (including a broken kiddy-swing, stolen tether-ball, the metal pole located by the shed, the tree limb by the dumpster, and timer/lighting issues with the tennis/basketball court); and, suggesting the possibility of purchasing an external hard drive to back-up the video and electronic file information stored on the SPHOA computer.

Homeowner Concerns:

Dead Tree on Windfree Drive: Board members reported that the dead tree on Windfree Drive has been cut-down and removed from the neighborhood, and that this concern has been completed and resolved.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 P.M. was made by John Byrd. The motion was seconded by Matthew Byerly. The motion carried.


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