Southern Plantation Home Owners Association (SPHOA) Board Meeting is called to order by Patrick Kimes (Vice President) at 7:05 p.m. Patrick introduced all board members (providing names and positions) to homeowners present at the meeting.

Board Members Present: Steve Ginn (President), Patrick Kimes (Vice-President), Matthew Byerly (Treasurer), John Byrd (Secretary), and Lena Williams.

Board Members Absent: N/A

Homeowners Present:
Ethridge, Marie
Brown, Robert
Byerly, Matthew
Byrd, John
Ginn, Nancy
Ginn, Steve
Hajjali, Glena
Kimes, Patrick
Mulvey, Laurel
Smith, Mary
Williams, Lena

September Minutes: A review of the September minutes was conducted by the board members and homeowners. It was noted that Matthew Byerly’s name was incorrectly spelled on page 3 of the minutes. Matthew Byerly made a motion to accept the September minutes, with the exception of the misspelling. The motion was seconded by Patrick Kimes. Motion carried.

Financial Report: Matthew Byerly and Laurel Mulvey were present to distribute copies of the 2008-2009 audit findings. In order to provide all homeowners with an adequate amount of time to properly review the contents of the financial audit, Matthew and Laurel agreed that they would not discuss the specific contents of the audit until the November board meeting. Instead, Matthew and Laurel provided background information, pertaining to the audit, as well as answers to questions and concerns posed by the board members and homeowners. Matthew informed those present that the current SPHOA Board originally contracted with Jim Mulvey, of Avalon Accounting Service, in June of 2010 to perform the 2008-2009 audit. In addition, Matthew explained that the audit would ultimately provide the SPHOA with a, “reasonable assurance” of its financial status, and not a, “guarantee.” Furthermore, Matthew explained that the audit would be used by the board as a tool/source for feedback and improvement, as well as future recommendations and changes. During the discussion, some individuals noted that the audit listed a high number of errors. Laurel indicated that the errors were a result of misclassifications, misunderstanding of the financial software, and double entries made of debits and credits. In addition, she said that, “overall, the financial audit did not find any material errors.” Steve Ginn indicated that the board has already implemented most of the audit recommendations, with the exception of amending the SPHOA By-Laws. If homeowners have any questions pertaining to the audit, they are invited to contact Matthew or Laurel, or they can contact the SPHOA office.

A quick review of the financial reports was made. Matthew reviewed the balance sheet and monthly profit and loss statements, and once again informed the board members that past dues, associated with twelve (12) homeowners, account for 94% of SPHOA’s current account receivables. Matthew also informed the board that four homeowners are currently delinquent in the payment of their respective homeowner dues. Board members briefly discussed the issue of temporarily removing the currently delinquent homeowners from accesing homeowner services, such as the pool and clubhouse. Matthew informed the board that the bankruptcy case has been pushed-back to November, but that the SPHOA is on the list of debtors, who will ultimately receive money (in the form of small monthly payments) when the case is completed. Furthermore, Matthew emphasized that the board needs to begin updating the balance sheet to reflect the SPHOA’s fixed assets, less depreciation. In addition, Matthew and Laurel both indicated that they are still waiting on finding the original receipt of the riding lawn mower, in order to close-out the respective financial information. Jessica indicated that she received two invoices that needed board approval before the invoices could be paid: the first invoice is for two-months of pool services; the second invoice relates to the parts and labor associated with fixing a broken sprinkler head. Patrick Kimes made a motion to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by John Byrd. Motion carried.

Committee Report:

Code Enforcement: During the last board meeting, board members and homeowners discussed ways to resolve the noise and parking issues, associated with a rental home in the subdivision. Steve Ginn informed the board that the owners of the home sent a letter of apology to the SPHOA board. Due to the fact that the homeowners are not in compliance with the rental restrictions, outlined in the SPHOA By-Laws, the board discussed the need to provide the owners and tenants with a notice of non-compliance. The notice would inform the owners that, due to non-compliance, the tenants would be required to vacate the rental properly. John Byrd suggested that the board contact the SPHOA’s attorney, Jeff Burns, in order to properly resolve the issue.

Lena Williams provided an update to the board regarding her recent communications with the City Code Enforcement offices. Lena also showed the board a code enforcement packet, and provided additional code enforcement information.

Social: John Byrd indicated that he, as well as the National Night Out committee members, received very positive feedback and responses from homeowners, regarding the National Night Out event, held on October 5, 2010. Board members and homeowners provided the following suggestions, to help improve the event in the future: provide sticky-name badges for all homeowners to wear; light-up the clubhouse and tennis court area during the event; place the registration table in a more prominent location; and, specifically indicate when food will be available. Patrick Kimes indicated that the committee should send, “Thank You” letters to those vendors and businesses who donated to the event. John Byrd informed the board that the committee had previously discussed the issue, and that cards would be sent to all of the donors. Board members briefly discussed the possibility of sponsoring additional holiday events at the clubhouse.

The board briefly discussed the status of the, “Yard of the Month Committee,” indicating the possibility that the committee might begin meeting again in January of 2011.

Old Business:

Planning Committee: Matthew Byerly informed the members of the board about the current status of the Planning Committee. He indicated that although the committee has not formally met yet, he has been communicating with the committee members, via e-mail, regarding the related materials and handouts. He will be in contact with the committee members regarding the first formal meeting.

New Business:

Fall Newsletter: Board members discussed the topics associated with the upcoming Fall Newsletter. The newsletter will include information about the National Night Out event, as well as the 2008-2009 audit information.

Credit Card: Due to the number of personal expenses and costs, associated with purchasing items relating to the National Night Out event, John Byrd suggested that the board be issued a generic debit card. Currently, one board member has a bank debit card, but it is specifically tied to the board member’s name. Issuance of the generic debit card would allow all board members the ability to purchase items, using the same card, in order to reduce the amount of time allocated to future, associated reimbursements. Board members discussed whether the bank would issue a generic card, without specifically listing the names of the board members. Matthew Byerly agreed to follow-up with the bank regarding the topic. A homeowner also recommended that the SPHOA Board create accounts with local businesses, to avoid the issues related to the bank debit card.

Homeowner Concerns:

Dead Tree on Windfree Drive: A current homeowner, sent a letter to the board concerning a large, dead tree, located at the end of the cul-de-sac on Windfree Drive. In the letter, the homeowner expressed her concerns, as well as the potential hazards, associated with the tree falling. Furthermore, the homeowner indicated that a number of small children live on that street, and that she was concerned for their safety. The board agreed with the homeowner’s concerns, and Patrick Kimes agreed to solicit three bids pertaining to cutting-down and removing the tree. In addition, Jessica Guidry will contact the City of College Station, Solid Waste Division.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. was made by Patrick Kimes. The motion was seconded by John Byrd. The motion carried.


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