Agenda for September 2013 Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013Time: 6:30 PM


Financial Updates

  • Review financial reports
  • Past due accounts

Planning Updates

  • Pool code issues – Pool Guy
  • Champion issues – complete?
  • Swing set repair – pending
  • Landscaping around splash pad and clubhouse
  • Sound damping in clubhouse
  • New clubhouse back door

Code Violations

  • 1502 Hunter Creek – Paint and crates
  • Vacation rentals

Office Updates

  • Pool rules
  • Office work list and procedures

Social Activities

  • National Night Out
  • Fall Clean Up Day

Neighborhood News/Updates

  • Spring Creek Garden
  • Whispering Creek addition
  • New Resident welcome

Open Discussion/Concerns

  • Clubhouse rental – need to check it after every use
  • Covenant standardization


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