Southern Plantation Home Owners Association (SPHOA) Board Meeting is called to order by Patrick Kimes (Vice President) at 7:00 P.M. No homeowners, other than the four active board members, were in attendance at the meeting. SPHOA Office Assistant, Jessica Guidry, was also present at the meeting.

Board Members Present: Steve Ginn (President), Patrick Kimes (Vice-President), Matthew Byerly (Treasurer) and John Byrd (Secretary)

Board Members Absent: N/A

Homeowners Present:

Byerly, Matthew
Byrd, John
Ginn, Steve
Kimes, Patrick

January Minutes: A review of the January minutes was conducted by the board members. Patrick Kimes made a motion to accept the January minutes. The motion was seconded by Matthew Byerly. Motion carried.

Financial Report: Matthew Byerly led a review of the monthly financials. He informed the board that approximately 65% of all SPHOA homeowners took advantage of the annual dues discount, by making their payment on or before the discount deadline. Furthermore, Matthew informed the board that a total of twenty homeowners’ paid the full amount of their annual dues, within the discount period. All board members agreed that the SPHOA would respond by sending refund checks to all of these homeowners. Matthew informed the board that he continues to proactively work on the process of collecting existing liens that have been imposed upon homeowners who are behind on their annual dues. He indicated that the proposed “SPHOA Timeline for Payment of Fees” draft was revised to include a demand letter, that will sent by attorney Jeff Burns, on behalf of the SPHOA. A motion was made by Patrick Kimes to accept the revised SPHOA Timeline for Payment of Fees. The motion was seconded by John Byrd. The motion carried (with a vote of 4-0). In closing, Matthew informed the board members that the final 2011 Budget would begin with a balance of approximately $10,225.00. This number includes all expenses related to the recent SPHOA improvements approved by the board during the January meeting.

A motion to accept the financial report was made by Steve Ginn and seconded by Patrick Kimes. The motion carried (with a vote of 4-0).

Committee Report:

Code Enforcement: The homeowners on Windfree, who received a code violation notice last month for openly storing firewood and baby furniture, have since moved the items from the front yard. However, the homeowners residing on the corner of Stoney Creek and Southern Plantation have not moved their kayak, which is being stored by the side of the residence. In addition, a deer blind is now being stored by the side of the home, and the garbage can still remains in the driveway.

Welcoming/Garage Sale/National Night Out Committee: John Byrd informed the board that he has been communicating with other homeowners and committee members about ways to reorganize and restructure the committee’s scope and current leadership. John proposed that the committee be divided into three separate committees, as the responsibility for organizing all of the events is overwhelming. Furthermore, he informed the board that he will be meeting soon with the new chairperson of the Welcoming Committee to discuss ways to welcome new neighbors into the community. Matthew Byerly suggested that the committee provide a welcoming packet to each new homeowner. He also suggested that the SPHOA begin working on a directory, which would contain local contact information and a listing of homeowners within the SPHOA.

Annual Garage Sale and Plant Sale: The annual garage sale is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 19, 2011. Since the last meeting, board member Patrick Kimes spoke with Tom Hughes regarding the possibility of holding the plant sale on the same day as the garage sale. Due to the fact that Tom will be organizing his own garage sale, he has decided to postpone the plant sale. Details regarding the upcoming date of the plant sale will be discussed by the board members in the future.

Planning Committee: Matthew Byerly informed the board of his intentions to begin scheduling monthly, Planning Committee meetings this year. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. in the clubhouse.

Old Business:

Pool Conversion: Board members once again discussed the idea of converting the pool, from chlorine to salt. Patrick Kimes volunteered to begin collecting information in order to perform an analysis. He will also collect additional information, pertaining to the costs associated with installing a kiddie pool.

SPHOA Improvements: Steve Ginn informed the board that he continues to receive bids regarding the SPHOA improvements, and that he will forward those bids to the board members. The board agreed to accept the recent bid, from Syntex, in the amount of $677.00, to replace the existing counter tops in the clubhouse. Steve also informed the board that the restroom tile bids are much higher than anticipated, and that he will be speaking with additional contractors regarding the project. The board members discussed the paint colors chosen for the clubhouse, as well as the new blinds that will replace the existing ones for the windows and doors of the clubhouse.

New Business:

Board Elections/Nominations/Ballots: Jessica Guidry reported that a total of four nominations were turned-in to the SPHOA office on or before the nomination deadline. Due to the fact that the SPHOA By-Laws state that, “the Board of Directors shall consist of not less than one nor more than seven directors, none of whom need be shareholders or residents of the State of Texas” all four nominees will automatically assume board positions, thereby alleviating the need for an election to be held. Since an election will not take place this year, the board members agreed that the new Board of Directors will being their term at the March board meeting. Homeowner Robert Cooper will join existing board members Steve Ginn, Patrick Kimes and Matthew Byerly. John Byrd has chosen not to serve another term, and will step-down from his position as Secretary and as a board member as of Tuesday, February 8, 2011.

Fall Newsletter: Due to the fact elections will not take place this year, the board members agreed that the February SPHOA newsletter, will not contain information concerning the upcoming SPHOA elections, nor will it include nomination forms and voting ballots. Board members discussed sending-out updated annual dues statements along with the March newsletter.

SPHOA Office Updates: Jessica Guidry provided a number of office updates to the board members. She reminded the board about the upcoming, “Big-Event” work-project, and notified the board members that the respective application for volunteers has been completed and turned-in. Furthermore, Jessica informed the board that the Big Event organization will be in contact with her once they have made a decision of whether or not they can dedicate volunteers to the project. Jessica informed the board that a copy of the dumpster key was misplaced, so a new copy will need to be made. The board members discussed the recent request, made by homeowner Jamie Castillo, about letting the local Girl Scout troops set-up a temporary table for cookie sales, in front of the SPHOA office/clubhouse. The board members approved the request – sales will be completed by the end of February. Jessica indicated that the clubhouse doorbell is not working properly, and that one of the playground, kiddie swings is broken. She also asked the board if they would consider purchasing new types of garbage cans, as the existing ones continue to fill-up with rain-water and/or blow-away during windstorms. The board members also agreed to purchase a new external hard-drive for the office – Steve Ginn suggested that one could be purchased for approximately $100.00.

Homeowner Concerns:

There were no homeowner concerns. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 P.M. was made by Patrick Kimes. The motion was seconded by Steve Ginn. The motion carried.


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