Board Members Present:
George Whitfield (President), Ben Kirby, Jessica Cessna (Treasurer), Matthew Byerly, Lena Williams, Gabrielle Leitch and Rick Leitch.

Board Members Absent:

Homeowners Present:
Mary Smith, Steve Ginn, Nancy Ginn, Patrick Kimes, Robert Brown, Robert Cooper, Jaynell Hutchinson, Kathryn Reiter

December and January Minutes:
Lena moved that the December 2009 minutes be approved. Motion was seconded by Gabriele. Motion carried. Gabriele moved that the January 2010 minutes be approved. Motion was seconded by Lena. Motion carried

Financial Report:
Jessica Cessna
The Association currently has a cash balance of $28329. There were no questions regarding the financial report. A motion was made by Matt to approve the financial report which was seconded by Rick. Motion carried

Director of Operations Report:
Rick Leitch

Deck is progressing although not on schedule because of the rain.
Mowing will need to start within the next week in some areas.
A suggestion was made to put a rider on the board meeting signs that say Homeowners welcome and rick said he would get that done by next meeting.

Committee Report:
Enforcement: No significant problems to report.
Webpage: The webpage is fine and there are no problems to report.

Robert Cooper said that he would get a program so Rick could update the website anytime without having to pay GKG extra.

Social: The annual garage sale will be held on Saturday, April 10, 2010. The Association will be holding its annual block party on August 10, 2010 and is currently looking for ideas for kids activities.

Old Business:
None Presented

New Business:
The City of College Station’s Joe Guerra gave a presentation on board concerns on sidewalks and traffic problems on Southern Plantation Dr and Decatur. He stated that since the bicycle path will be coming through the subdivision we should be getting the sidewalks finished. He also stated that he would get the traffic engineers to do a study on the traffic flow on Southern Plantation and Decatur to see if they can do anything. Officer Arnold talked to us about the police roaming the neighborhood. If anyone sees any suspicious behavior call them. Nominations for the board were George Whitfield, Matthew Byerly, Jessica Cessna, Gabriele Leitch, Lena Williams, Mary Smith, John Byrd,Steven Ginn,Nancy Ginn, Patrick Kimes, John Scott Richter, and Geoff Spahr. Steve Ginn asked about proxies and Rick said that he would check with the attorney. Ballots will be mailed with the statements. Rick had 2 bids for cleaning up the brick wall by ABC Pest but it was suggested to have the big event clean it up. Rick stated he would be out of town that weekend and Ben said he would supervise. Rick said he will apply to the Big Event

Homeowner Concerns:
None presented

Ben made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Jessica.


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